2020 年度全球各界贡献人物“年度之最”——王永春

2020-11-16 10:45:05 来源: 阅读:-


简 介


Wang Yongchun, whose name is Xianglu, is Zhuqing. Born in Shangbao, Leiyang County, Hunan Province in 1957. Now, he is a national guest artist in China, and is the vice president of Ancient and Modern Hanmo Painting and Calligraphy Institute of the Academic Committee of Chinese and Foreign Celebrity Culture Research Association. Painter of Shandong Painting Academy, member of International Artists Federation, director of Chinese National Painters Association, member of Chinese Couplet Society, member of Chinese Calligraphers Association, deputy secretary-general and distinguished painter of New Literary Group Calligraphers Working Committee of Chinese Calligraphers Association, Council member of Calligraphy Art Research Association of China Couplet Society, vice chairman of national architecture institute of china Painting and Calligraphy Professional Committee, and vice chairman of the second Council of Chinese Enterprises Reporting Art Capital.



People often say that childhood memories are the most profound. When he was a schoolboy, he saw bamboo, Phyllostachys pubescens, bamboos, Lohan bamboos, and Longsun everywhere ... which made him have a deep impression and aesthetic feeling on bamboo since childhood, and developed his hobby of loving bamboo in other days. As an adult, he loves bamboo more and has the noble character of "never unearthed, even though Lingyun is still open-minded". He painted bamboo by loving, planting and respecting bamboo. Mr. Yongchun studied with the ancients before painting bamboo. After 1970s, he was instructed by the famous painter Wei Qihou. In the same year, he studied with the famous flower and bird painter Mr. Cui Hui as his disciple, focusing on freehand flowers and birds, starting with self-study, especially ink and bamboo. On September 27, 2019, I worshipped the famous calligrapher Quan Xijun as my teacher. Mr. Yongchun highly values famous paintings such as Qingteng, Badashanren, Wentong, Zheng Banqiao, Wu Changshuo, Qi Baishi, etc. He devoted himself to studying famous paintings. He studied diligently and tirelessly for decades, studying the essence of his painting theory. Yongchun is the mechanism of deep bamboo research, and he planted more than ten kinds of bamboos and flowers and trees in the courtyard. Long-term observation, looking at the charm of bamboo in the day, and looking at its shadow in the moonlight will lay a deep accumulation and precipitation for future creation. Yongchun advocates respecting tradition, advocating absorbing ancient and new ideas, collecting the essence of various families, and taking advantage of others carefully. Mr. Zhang's bamboo paintings are well-conceived, free-flowing, dense and well-organized, and his composition is rigorous. His four-season bamboos, such as wind bamboo, sunny bamboo, rain bamboo, dew bamboo, etc., are different and manifest. Mr. Zhang's snow bamboo is more remarkable. His works are quite popular, and they also highlight the bamboo's resistance to cold and pride in wind and snow In addition, he created the National Treasure Map of Mozhu, which surprised and shocked me when I saw it. He combines landscapes, flowers, birds and animals, thus it can be seen that his works are elegant, elegant, charming and lifelike, which seems to bring us into the feeling of being there, guide people's beautiful yearning for nature, inspire the association of infinite space, feel nature, return to nature, and be full of beautiful memories of nature.



After decades of life accumulation and precipitation, Mr. Yongchun, with his profound and unique artistic realm, has been promoted, showing the sublimation of the painter's aesthetic consciousness. During his artistic career, he finally formed a unique artistic style, took a different approach and became his own, which made his reputation rise, winning the appreciation and resonance of the art world, colleagues and lovers of painting and calligraphy, and called him a master of contemporary bamboo painting.



Some of his works have been exhibited in the United States, Japan, France, Korea, Thailand and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. He has participated in many exhibitions at home and abroad and has been collected by famous artists and friends at home and abroad. His works were published in the calligraphy and painting world of American-Chinese Times, Chinese Calligraphers' Newspaper, National Pictorial, Market Watch, Calligraphy Newspaper and provincial and municipal newspapers. In October 2001, he won the "Gold Award" at the 6th International Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition held in Paris Cultural and Art Center, France. In 2001, his works have passed ISQ9001A qualification certification of International Artists Federation and ISC2000 art value evaluation, and won the title of famous "Chinese Painting Artist". In 2002, in the cultural and artistic exchange activities between China and Japan, he was awarded the Medal of Master and Certificate of 20th Century Chinese and Japanese Painting and Calligraphy. In 2004, his works were selected as "Exhibition TV Feature Film of Famous Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Works". His works and biographies have been compiled into more than a dozen large dictionaries, such as "World Famous Contemporary Painters' Exposition", "Collection of Famous Chinese and Japanese Painters in the 20th Century" and "Shandong Painters' Directory".


2017年10月31日参加由中国艺术报社、中国企业文化促进会、企业家日报社、中企报盟信息科学研究院共同在中国文联文艺家之家展览馆举办的“庆祝十九大 不忘初心跟党走”企业优秀书画作品展活动并颁发入展证书。2019年9月26日,书法作品入展由中国文联国内联络部、中国美术家协会和中国书法家协会指导,中国文联美术艺术中心、中国文联书法艺术中心、中国书画家联谊会、中国楹联学会和中国工笔画学会联合主办,中国书画家联谊会新文艺群体书画家工作委员会承办的“我爱你,祖国”——庆祝新中国成立70周年第二届新文艺群体书画家优秀作品展,在中国文联文艺家之家展览馆举办,并颁发入展荣誉证书!2020年7月被书法报书画天地评为“人民心中的大师”。2020年10月被评为国家高级美术师职称。2020年出版<<盛世中华 传世名家>>王永春作品精选。










